Sunday, June 13, 2010

Camp Royal Day 1 - Campfire Stories

2010-06-13 21:20

Let me just say - it is an incredible beginning to such an awesome week.  Yeah, I'm very busy right now having fun listening to stuff.  Whatever.  I shall write later.

2010-06-13 22:59

So here I am, at the conclusion of Day 1 here at the camp. The staff told me I am supposed to hold on to this journal and bring it to the meetings to take notes.  I am going to go ahead and make this simple for myself - logistic reasons - I will be writing entries in chronological order. counselor just had our group do the call.  Just goes to show, this camp is extremely amusing, and it is one of those experiences that is definitely once in a lifetime - as envisioned by the Rotarians that sponsored our trip.  Possibly just as much "once in a lifetime" as COSMOS.

I'm going to start with describing my surroundings.  It is just nice being able to be in a semi-bare essentials kind of place.  There's the water running and we are on these "platforms."  And I have to say, rather comfortable and welcoming as my shelter for the next few days.  One either side of the notebook - as I am laying down writing - I see darkness, only the paper illuminated by the light.  My companions have already retired their lights - but I figured, just like at COSMOS, I should be descriptive.  I feel a gentle breeze blowing through my arms.  There is the sound of water front eh river to the right of the platform.  As I am laying, the sleeping bag is on this mattress thing.  There are faint stars out there.  Possibly, as what the staff wants us to do - reach for them, and make the best of your time here, discover yourself.

Or, as I shall conclude like I did at COSMOS - or so the RAs (in this case counselors) are trying to brainwash me into thinking.

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