Air Traffic Control: Southwest 482, cleared to Orange County, John Wayne Airport as filed. Fly runway heading, climb and maintain 10,000. Departure frequency is [insert number], squak [code]. Clearance void 60 minutes from now.
Pilot: Southwest 482, cleared to Orange County, John Wayne Airport as filed. Fly runway heading, climb and maintain 10,000. Departure frequency is [insert number], squak [code]. Clearance void 60 minutes from now.
ATC: Southwest 482, read back correct. Contact ground on [frequency].
Pilot: Oakland ground, Southwest 482 request taxi to take off, runway 9.
ATC: Southwest 482, taxi to and hold short of runway 9 via taxiway [taxiway number].
Pilot: Taxi to and hold short of runway 9 via taxiway [taxiway number].
Pilot: Oakland ground, ready for take off.
ATC: Cleared for take off, runway 9. Wind NW, 5 knots.
Pilot: Cleared for take off. [turns Boeing 737 right to line up with runway, opens full throttle,
pulls down on elevator up, take off, nose pitch up 10 degrees]
ATC: Southwest 482, contact Oakland Departure on [frequency].
Pilot: Going to [frequency]
Pilot: Oakland departure, Southwest 482 is at [altitude], climbing for [10,000].
ATC: Southwest 482, roger. Altimeter [2992].
ATC: Southwest 482, turn left heading [005].
Pilot: Turn left heading 005.
ATC: Southwest 482, climb and maintain [30,000].
Pilot: Climb and maintain 30,000.
ATC: South west, 482, turn left heading [275].
Pilot: Turn left heading [275].
ATC: Southwest 482, climb and maintain [42,000.] Increase speed to [280] knots.
Pilot: Climb and maintain [42,000.] Increase speed to [280] knots.
ATC: Southwest 482, you are now leaving my airspace. Contact [center] on [frequency].
Pilot: Going to [frequency].
Pilot: Center, Southwest 482, with you.
ATC: Southwest 482, roger. Altimeter [2992].
ATC: Southwest, 482, turn left, heading 180.
Pilot: Turn left, heading 180.
ATC: Southwest 482, contact [center] on [frequency].
Pilot: Going to [frequency].
Pilot: Southwest 482, with you.
ATC: Southwest 482, roger. Altimeter [2992].
ATC: Southwest, 482, descend and maintain [30,000].
Pilot: Descend and maintain [30,000].
ATC: Southwest 482, contact John Wayne approach on [frequency].
Pilot: John Wayne Approach, Southwest 482 is at [altitude] descending [30,000].
ATC: Southwest 482, roger. Altimeter [2992].
ATC: Southwest 482, turn left heading [095]. Descend and maintain [10,000]. Reduce speed
to [210] knots.
Pilot: Turn left heading [095]. Descend and maintain [10,000]. Reduce speed to [210] knots.
ATC: Southwest, 482, turn left heading [030], report the runway in sight. Descend and
maintain [2,000].
Pilot: Southwest, 482, turn left heading [030]. [lowers flaps to 10 degrees]
Pilot: John Wayne tower, I have the runway in sight.
ATC: Southwest 482, cleared visual approach, runway 1. Contact ground on [frequency].
Pilot: Cleared, visual, inbound, runway 1. Contact ground on [frequency].
Pilot: John Wayne tower, Southwest 482, with you.
ATC: Southwest 482, roger. Fly right downwind traffic, runway 1 approach.
Pilot: Fly right downwind traffic, runway 1 approach. [lowers flaps to 20 degrees, slows to 160 [knots]
ATC: Southwest 482, wind [wind direction and speed] cleared to land, runway 1. Traffic is [describe that airport traffic is busy].
Pilot: Cleared to land, and we have the traffic, Southwest 482. [lowers full flaps to 30 degrees,
lower landing gear, slow to 145 knots] [line up with runway, elevator trim, touch down, max spoilers, apply reverse thrust until slowed to 60 knots, brakes as necessary]
ATC: Southwest 482, welcome to Orange County, turn next taxiway.
ATC: Southwest 482, taxi to gate 2, via taxiway [taxiway number]. Gate 2 is still occupied,
please wait until the current aircrafts leaves.
Pilot: Taxi to gate 2, via taxiway [taxiway number].
ATC: Taxi to gate 2.
Pilot: [set parking brake, turn throttle to idle, turn passenger signs off, turn of fuel flow, open passenger door]
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