Friday, July 3, 2009

COSMOS Day 6 -Academic Bowl and Olympics

There was a vast amount of American pride today, with everyone pretending to know what they are doing in competitions, failing miserably and all being good sport to have the most fun possible.  

At 08:45 all the clusters were gathering in the quad.  Instead of going to class, everyone departed to play around, do more ice breakers, or "practice" for the academic bowl.  My cluster did 3 ice breakers to get to know each other better, even though we have seen each others faces for so long.  Prior to sitting around in a circle, we broke up into groups of three.  Those groups would later be competing in the academic bowl.  One of the games involved writing down a random question and answer, trading with each other, ask the question to the person on the right and the person on the right gives their answer as a response.  

During the academic bowl, groups of there were competing against each other, and getting bored when there was a hard question.  I got eliminated in the first round, because I didn't know that asteroids were named after Beethoven, Elvis and other musicians.

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