Wednesday, September 30, 2009

COSMOS Day -1 - Youtube Symphony Orchestra

I really miss COSMOS right now. After the first few days after the program finished in July, I got over most of the nostalgic moments and emotional farewells from the last day. Strangely, for no good reason, I more or less have associated this piece, the "Symphony No. 1 'Eroica'," with my summer. The most blunt reason I can think of was that I watched the video several times while I was on my drive down to Los Angeles on my brother's iPod. And that's the reasoning behind the title of this post - that I listened to the piece the day before the program started.

Published 2009-12-08

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to You

Happy birthday dear Uhh,

Basically, this is a blog post to say the top 17 moments I remember about you for the years I have known you.
  1. You and I were talking around a campfire when we were on this cub scouts camping trip.
  2. We first talked to each other briefly in Ms. Dibble's class.
  3. We first became "friends" at THE SPOT, along with Amanda and Deanna.
  4. You, Deanna, and I were talking for two hours about random stuff, including skiing, boy scouts, school, THE SPOT, and your brother on a Friday at the Swim Center (if you remember, we used go up there for Fridays).
  5. We first had Ms. Thibault, and basically this was a foreshadow of how we would continue on to the Science Bowl with her for these years.
  6. You, and a bunch of other overachieving 8th graders stepped into Mr. Nguyen's room on the second day of 8th grade, at 07:00, really wanting to sleep longer.
  7. We all participated in the 2007 regional science bowl with Katie, Amanda, and Kristen, with Ms. Thibault as support.
  8. You played "Ms. Thibault" along with the other people in the Middle School Advanced Orchestra. (This doesn't really concern you, but I'm afraid I may not make it to 17 points.)
  9. We went to that promotion ceremony for 8th graders advancing to 9th, and my dad got one picture of me, Julian, Mendoza, Deanna, Amanda, and you.
  10. The day I transfered into Precalculus with you. Basically we got bored doubling Algebra 2/Precal that year.
  11. Ms. Headington's field trip - Zeum and/or A Midsummer Night's Dream. I forgot if you went to either. If you didn't, that's too bad, since my memory may not be serving me correctly.
  12. Disneyland - it was fun spending time in the park with you, Amanda, Elim, Steven, and others that year. Too bad Amanda can't be with us for the Mexico cruise this year.
  13. The day at the Awards Ceremony thing for 9th grade was "exciting." I guess the administration got bored enough to put us separately on the program for the students picked the the assistant principal.
  14. Hmm, point 14. I feel like Woodrow Wilson right now. I'm running out of points to make. So there is no point 14.
  15. For my 15th year of my life, aka sophomore year, I guess it would be that you were the first person I talked to about "The 42 Suite, III. Florence." You were the first one to know about me getting that rating of 5 from those judges. That just goes to show you are one of those friends who cares.
  16. For my 16th year of my life, aka junior year, I guess it would be that we were talking about how our schedule was very screwed up at the beginning of the year. Wait, I was still 15 when school started. Nevermind about the "16th year" thing.
  17. Today in APUSH. "Today is Yueming's birthday, we must sing happy birthday to her! Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Yueming. Happy birthday to you. [applause]."
    "Why didn't you tell me it was her birthday today?" - Melissa
    "I already promised her first." - Chloe
    "Okay, quiet down!" - :E
There you are...a list of 17 things for your age. By the way, you know that 17 is an unlucky number in Italian culture, right? Basically, 17 is written as XVII, which is an anagram of VIXI. "Vixi" in the past tense in Latin means "I have lived," and therefore the present tense implying "my life is over." ("17 (number)") But your not Italian, so this should not concern you.

Anyhow, happy birthday you goat who "farts a lot" - Chloe ("Olympus" 40).


Montgomery Zzyzx

PS: All other people who I send this post to please comment.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

FSX - Flight from San Francisco to Reno

This flight was performed with a Boeing 737-800 on 2009-09-15. I was too lazy to have real world weather loaded. I forgot about a picture of the runway, and the IFR directions.

Flight Planner

FSX - 2009-09-15 KSFO to KRNO

Departing from San Francisco (notice the Golden Gate Bridge)


Arriving at Reno (cockpit)


Arriving at Reno (Aircraft Tail)


Friday, September 18, 2009

FSX Flights

As a person who is obsessed with airplanes, I am now going to be blogging my flights in my copy of Microsoft Flight Simualtor X. I'll include the flight plan, the map, the departure airport, views that show anything important, and the arrival airport. Of course, none of this scenery is technically owned by me, so if anyone has a problem with it, I'll take it off my blog. As for now, I'll just consider it fair use since I'm starting this little theme within my blog.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Birthday Party Stuff

I completely forgot about my birthday party, and therefore I am going to say this post was written back on 2009-09-12 even though I am writing it on 2009-09-17, just so other things I'd like to blog about this week need to be in their respective day.

Basically, this is the largest birthday party with everyone I know personally attending. I remember back in 2000 or so, when I had a party with all kinds of relatives and people I didn't even know attend. Since my memory isn't that good, I'll just focus on this year. Everyone who went was in AP Lang with me at my school. I told them all it just goes to show what kind of friends I have.

[post will be continued ootd]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Interview as a Journalism Student

Today during lunch, I conducted my absolute first interview as a student in Hercules Middle High School. Yeah, I may have had class interviews, or random interviews with classmates as an exercise in Brown's class, but never have I actually interviewed to gather information to write an article and submit it to the editors. For this, I will say that I am not the best reporter, but I will hopefully have decent skills in interviewing and reporting.

The person I interviewed was the editor for the Hercules Middle School journalism class. What I do regret about the interview is that I completely forgot to record the conversation despite having permission from her to record the conversation. Likewise, I forgot to bring my set of questions to ask. Lastly, I feel bad for disappointing Mrs. Dirk, the middle school journalism and English teacher, because the article I am writing most likely will not be published in the real newspaper.

However the article turns out, I will be glad that I got this opportunity. I unfortunately had to skip the KIWIN'S meeting to conduct the interview during lunch - with the dreaded excuse that the article is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


No, today is neither the first of November nor January 1, but .090909... it's fun playing around with math.

Since I don't normally write the date in the form of MM-DD-YY nor DD-MM-YY, I shouldn't be commenting to much on today's time. Just for the fun of it, I'm going to have this post published at 09:09 for be by Blogger, while I am in school and away from a computer. Likewise, I'll go ahead an bug my music teach about this once in a century event. For me to be living through all of these lucky years of 2008, 2009 and so on, I feel like I'm not appreciating these special dates too much.

For the extremely lazy, we also have this to represent the date:

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 - Melchoir, AzaToth, Mets501, Sopoforic