Thursday, December 23, 2010

Las Vegas Trip Day 3 - Walking

This post was written 2010-12-23 02:47

We covered a lot of ground on Day 3, which was Tuesday, December 21, 2010.  I need to make sure I keep the dates right...since it's very confusing not writing the posts on time.

I got a lot of random footage of the Vegas Strip on this day.  This would cover from around Bellagio to Mandalay Bay.  Now when is all of that stuff going to be edited together into a nice cohesive video, time will tell.  I still haven't been able to edit the video from Alaska.  Or plenty of other things.  You know, life throws you a curve ball and you need to be able to hit it.  As for me, I'm still learning about what the "curve ball" is and the proper way to hit it.

Never mind all grievances, I got good exercise done that day.  Walking so far is really tiring my legs.  Not so much as skiing would, but almost there.

For dinner, we took a shuttle to Rio to eat at their buffet, and thus commence the 24-hour access pass deal a lot of people are trying out.  Let's just say that Planet Hollywood's concierge was a bit bored.  We learned that the shuttle to Rio would be at Paris.  So we walk to Paris and finally made it to some other official, only to tell us that the shuttle doesn't stop here, but rather at Ballys.  And then we get out Ballys exit.  There was a bus waiting, labeled "Airport Shuttle."  there was a sign that pointed toward the right saying "shuttle to Rio."  So we stood next to he sign, expecting a bus to come.  But then the Airport shuttle driver directed us down towards the right.  Finally we see this glass covering thingy to protect us from the rain.  It was cumbersome to say the least.

And a side thought, I like skiing.  The bus had dirt on it's side and it was wet, windows all fogged up.  That's a fairly uncommon thing to see on this bus.


Just when we would be getting off the bus, this guy was backing up, and hit the bus.  Good thing we didn't get kept in the bus for too long before we were dismissed.  Interesting night.

Rio's food.  I say not worth the money...and idk about the pass.  More later, I can't stay up anymore.

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