Friday, April 29, 2011

Thank you for choosing UC Davis!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions <>
Date: Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 10:55 PM
Subject: Thank you for choosing UC Davis!
To: Myron Lam

Hello Myron,

Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to UC Davis. We're pleased that you have chosen UC Davis for your undergraduate education, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Next steps: Please visit to review and complete your upcoming pre-enrollment tasks. Don't forget to check for upcoming deadlines.

For additional questions about your admission or enrollment, please call (530)
752-3710. For a list of campus contacts, please visit

Again, thank you for choosing UC Davis. And welcome to the UC Davis Aggie family!


UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions

Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All Around Hercules

Fine, it wasn't every single part of Hercules, CA. 

View Larger Map

But, as in the map, it's more places than I go to in a typical day, on foot.  That's what happens when classes are more or less canceled for standardized testing that the federal government wants my district to do in return for grant money, otherwise known as the STAR test.  Never the less, there's the story in pictures and a video.


From description on Flickr: "Most seniors didn't have to show up today. Those that did had to take a partial AP Lit practice test and/or go to AP Gov review. So here's everyone scrambling to leave after the gate was unlocked."

Walking past Refugio Valley Park.

Subway Sandwich - it's the "limited time" Orchard Chicken.

Typical macro shot of a flower - by City Hall. I tagged along in my friend's interview with the building official regading damages to the private property in the mudslides.  Yes, the flower has nothing to do with the interview.

This the is the fireplace at the library.

One thing I forgot to document is when I was walking backwards along Refugio Valley Road talking about "Hercules High"  I really like how those tour guides can just talk and walk backwards the entire time.  Or well, I remember when I went to UCLA, and that tour guide cheated a few times when she wasn't talking.

I typically would have been lazier and just put a link to the set of pictures I have on flickr.  However, it was a special day so I decided to actually put a little effort into documenting the day.   Just to be specific I finished writing this post 2011-04-27 01:15.  But I will be posting this for 2011-04-26.


Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break Day 7 - Decision Davis Day


I think I more or less know where I'm going.

Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break Day 6 - Various Live CDs

I was cleaning up my collection of live CDs of Ubuntu, openSUSE, and other operating systems of which I do not know much about.  They are a good way to spend a weekend downloading the ISO (yes, slow Internet connection, even if it is called "hi-speed DSL" by AT&T), burning the ISO, loading it in the computer, and then playing around with various functions in the live CD.  I even committed to installing Ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop, and Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop when I got a new hard drive.  Let's just say I look forward to Ubuntu 11.04 being released, and I will commit to installing that on my newest computer.

Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous

Spring Break Day 5 - Ubuntu 11.04 Beta

I don't care if I managed to skip the days I was on vacation.  I'll get back to writing about the rest of those days later.

As for yesterday, I was trying out Ubuntu 11.04 beta.  I have to say it looks pretty nice, and there are obvious influences from Windows 7 and Mac OS X.  The entire user interface very much looks like a mobile operating system based on all those apps available in the Ubuntu Software center.

And to just think, not too long ago, I was using Ubuntu 9.10:>

And also 8.10:>

Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Break Day 1 - Monterey

I haven't bothered to write blog entries in a long time because they are extremely time consuming.  Likewise, I have yet to put stuff online from previous experiences away from home.
As for now, some guy commented on that photo above, on flickr.  When I reviewed this picture, it seemed like a very nicely balanced one.  I figured that summarizes what happened for Saturday, when my family took off from the Bay Area and headed for Monterey.  We also went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, but in the end, the nature it still much more beautiful.
I'm in Santa Barbara at the moment, and I will be writing a blog post for when I get home.

Posted via email from Montgomery's posterous